Normal daily situations or severe legal problems may be a real trouble for non-residents or companies and this is the point in which you need to trust a group of professional English-speaking lawyers and solicitors in Spain. Be sure that they are specialists in the law field you need and they are focused on foreign people who have any kind of interest in Spain, intend to start a business or have litigation needs in our country.
Forget you are abroad or forget you are a foreigner! Stop thinking that your rights are trimmed because of your nationality or residence! We can help you at any time. Please try our services and be one of our proud customers.
We have a wide range of lawyers, consultants and economists allowing us to offer a multidisciplinary service with a high level of expertise. We inform our clients about their rights in Spain, we help them with contracts, we stop insurance companies from paying them far less compensation than they are entitled to, we help foreign companies to establish themselves in Spain (even finding partners and commercial agents), we help investors buy in Spain, we find you a home for residential purposes, we advise investors on the reliability and viability of their prospective purchases, we prepare for you a financial study and a report on banks and taxes… and many many things more.